Donna Spector, Kailen Nourse-Driscoll, Patti Sullivan, Anthony Mohr, L D Zane, Stacia Levy, Jeffrey Davis, Clela Reed, Matthew Mendoza, Matthew Spireng, Ace Boggess, Kristin Laurel, Jan Bowman, Aaron Fischer, Joanne Durham: Associate Editors
Brooklyn by steven Deutsch
A magazine of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction published two or more times a year.
. . .all men and women are created equal in rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
—Elizabeth Cady Stanton, revision of the American Declaration of Independence, 1848
Red Appetite by Karen Kilcup
Ace Boggess,Annette Opalczynski,Anthony J. Mohr,B. Elizabeth Beck,Cassondra Windwalker ,Charles H. Johnson,Clela Reed,Dana Kobernick,Dana Stamps, II,Daphne Vlachojannis,David Stallings,Deena Linet,Dion Farquhar,Dominika Wrozynski,Donna Spector,Edward Lee,Ellen Hirning Schmidt,Francis O’Hare,Franz Weinschenk,Galina Chernaya,Gordon Grigsby,Howard W. Robertson ,J Saler Drees,Jacqueline Jules,Jan Bowman,Jennifer Lagier,Jerry T Johnson,Jess Provencio,Joanne Durham,Judith Ford,Judith Sornberger,Judy Ireland,Julian Markels,Karen Kilcup,Ken Autrey,Kit-Bacon Gressitt,Kristin Laurel ,Lilace Mellin Guignard,Lucia May,Dr. Lynn Veach Sadler,Margaret Powers ilardo,Maria Brandt , Secret Rivers, Marilyn CavicchiaMary Elizabeth Pope,Good Work, Matthew J. Spireng,A Prague Spring, Before & After, Michael Salcman, Lynn Silverman, Prague Castle, Carles Bridge,Michelle M. Tokarczyk,Recite Every Day, Myles Gordon,Nicole Waldner,At the Booth Memorial Home for Unwed Mothers 1966, Patti Sullivan,Making a Clean Space in the Sky, Paula Yup,Free Range Kids, Peggy Trojan, Home Front,One Sleeve, Richard Carr,Richard Luftig,Rodger LeGrand,Ronald Moran,Halley and Me, Sandra Gardner,Steve Park,Steven Deutsch, Brooklyn,Steven Pelcman,Tom Boswell,
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