Evening Street Press strives to publish words with positive impact

Ace Boggess was locked up for five years in the West Virginia prison system. During that time, he wrote the poems collected in his second book, The Prisoners, and published most of them in various journals including the Evening Street Review. During his incarceration, he earned his B.A. from Marshall University and his J.D. from West Virginia University. He has been awarded a fellowship from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts, and his poems have appeared in such journals as Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Southern Humanities Review and The Florida Review. His first collection, The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled, appeared in 2003. He currently resides in Charleston, West Virginia.
He has a poem in Evening Street Review number 5 and fiction in Evening Street Review number 17

Read  poem: The Poker Players  from Evening Street Review #5 p. 30

Read  fiction: The Morals of Marv’s Back Room from Evening Street Review#17 p. 67

Ace Boggess reads “The Poker Players” on YouTube.

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