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Anthony J. Mohr’s work has appeared in, among other places, DIAGRAM, Eclectica, Front Porch Journal, Glint Literary Journal, Hippocampus Magazine, The MacGuffin, North Dakota Quarterly, Saint Ann’s Review, War, Literature & The Arts, and ZYZZYVA. He has been anthologized in California Prose Directory (2013), Golden State 2017, Workers Write!, Air, and elsewhere. His work has received five Pushcart Prize nominations. He is an associate editor of Evening Street Review and a reader for Hippocampus. Once upon a time, he was a member of the LA Connection, an improv theater group. Other hobbies include hiking, reading, and travel.

In 1954-55, Mohr lived in Sweden when his father, actor Gerald Mohr, was shooting the series Foreign Intrigue. His first paid job was as an actor in one of the episodes, but Mohr quickly learned he was not much of a child actor. During the summer of 1967, he lived in Peru and performed volunteer work in Arequipa with Proyecto: Amistad. He has also volunteered in Tijuana, Mexico with Para Los Ninos.

By day, Anthony J. Mohr sits as a judge on the Los Angeles Superior Court. He’s been on the bench twenty-five years, hearing criminal and civil cases. He has also sat as a judge pro tem on the California Court of Appeal. With another judge, Mohr has co-authored two legal textbooks for paralegals, both published by Thomson Reuters. He served as the chair of the Committee on Judicial Ethics of the California Judges Association and currently is the editor of Gavel to Gavel, the LA Superior Court’s magazine.

He is a graduate of Columbia University Law School and holds a BA from Wesleyan University, where he graduated cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He has attended The Hague Academy of International Law and the European University Institute, and has a diploma in comparative law (with honors) from the Faculte Internationale Pour l’Enseignement du Droit Compare.

Read “Double Play” from Evening Street Review#17, 156

Read “On Valley Vista” from Evening Street Review#34 53

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