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Galina Chernaya

Galina Chernaya: ES Review

The daughter of an eminent Soviet scientist, Galina Chernaya was born in Moscow and raised in the upper echelons of the Soviet intellectual elite in the ’sixties and ’seventies during the Brezhnev era. She received a PhD in biomechanics from Moscow State University, and had begun a promising research career when she fell afoul of the Soviet authorities. An escalating battle with the Soviet system ensued, culminating in a failed lawsuit against the State for violating the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When the threat of imprisonment followed, she, her husband and two young children renounced their Soviet citizenship and emigrated to the United States, where they were admitted as refugees under the auspices of the International Rescue Committee in 1991. The family settled in Princeton, NJ, where Galina and her husband pursued successful careers in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years.

Recently retired to Vermont, she is now realizing her long-held dream of writing a memoir. The work traces the fates of three generations of her family from World War I to today in a chronicle of struggle and survival that covers the entire lifespan of the Soviet State. A former competitive rower and now a recreational athlete, she greatly appreciates the outdoor life Vermont has to offer. When not writing, Galina enjoys hiking, biking, cross-country skiing and volunteering as a Middlebury College crew coach. “The Court of the People” is her first publication.

She can be contacted at gigicerna60@gmail.com

Refugee papersRefugee Status of the Chernaya family when they arrived in the United States








Read fiction  “The Court of the People”  Part 1, p. 160  Evening Street Review #32

Read fiction “The Court of the People” Part 2, p. 157 Evening Street Review #33

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