Evening Street Press strives to publish words with positive impact
Maria Brandt

Prizewinner of "Grassic Short Novel Prize" in 2014

Maria Brandt: All the Words 

All the Words
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Maria Brandt’s plays have been finalists for various competitions in NYC, Boston, Buffalo, DC, Reno, and London; read in Los Angeles, Valdez, Fort Lauderdale, and Rochester; and performed in Boston, NYC, and Rochester. She has published short plays and short fiction in several literary magazines, including InDigest, Shark Reef, Rock & Sling, The Lindenwood Review, Arts and Letters, upstreet, and Chamber Four. She also has edited and introduced her friend Pam Mills’ posthumous memoir, Kamastone: One Woman’s Search for her African Ancestors, forthcoming by Jaded Ibis Press.

Most recently, Maria’s collection New York Plays was produced by Out of Pocket Productions and subsequently published by Heartland Plays. Maria teaches Creative Writing at Monroe Community College in Rochester, NY, and is a founding member of Straw Mat Writers, with whom she co-authored FourPlay for the 2014 First Niagara Fringe Festival. She lives just outside Highland Park with her son William, who inspires more magic than he realizes.

All the Words cover Photography by Jasna BogdanovskaWinner of the 2014 Grassic Prize: All the Words by Maria Brandt

Photography by Jasna Bogdanovska

Read All the Words on Google BooksAll the Wordsavailable on KindleRead All the Words on scribd   or read below

Maria Brandt’s novella All the Words is an artfully constructed collage of truth and memory, a wonderfully poetic story about the traumas that bind us to ourselves and each other. The simplicity of her language juxtaposed against the deceptive safety of a familiar landscape and the complications of childhood sorrow and denial produce an effect not unlike that of being on a speeding train, the same train her main character rides with her father as they struggle to confront what they can no longer avoid. Brandt is masterful at describing the paradoxical human desire to both erase and embrace the past in order to live more fully with and in spite of it. —Cathy Smith, author of The Glory Walk

The characters in Maria Brandt’s heart-wise and home-wise All the Words struggle, each in their own way, to articulate all the necessary words. For in this lyrically lush and beautifully cadenced novella about a family’s love and loss, words are, paradoxically, precious and scarce. Sentences start but sputter out; mouths go mute; memories, both allusive and elusive, tease then disappear, only to reappear as fragmented textual ghosts, italicized and erupting throughout the course of this family’s journey—a journey from trauma to understanding, and, ultimately, to a kind of acceptance. Such a story arc is easy to describe, but painstakingly difficult to render dramatically and truthfully, but Brandt pulls it off with élan and intelligence and, best of all, the instincts of a natural storyteller. Read this short novel and feel what I felt: utterly renewed. —Joseph Salvatore, author of To Assume a Pleasing Shape

In Maria Brandt’s All the Words, memory fuses with the present as a young woman journeys home to Long Island to confront the secrets and stories that haunted her transition into adolescence. Jane’s lens on the past is prismatic, splintering events into shards that she gradually and suspensefully tries to reassemble, even as the characters’ lives resist mending. Brandt’s lyrical and disorienting narrative mimics the fugue-like state of children leaving childhood, mapping anew a world they once felt at home in. –Suzanne Matson, author of The Tree-Sitter

Order work by Maria Brandt: All the Words 

All the Words
$20 + $3 shipping
Or send check or money order to: Evening Street Press, 415 Lagunitas Ave #306, Oakland, CA 94610


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Evening Street Press,  415 Lagunitas Ave, #306, Oakland, CA 94610
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