Evening Street Press strives to publish words with positive impact

Grassic Short Novel PrizeDiscontinued

Our idea is to emphasize the power, skill and enduring value of the short novel form: limit 30,000-70,000 words.

For example: (approximate word count in thousands)

  • West, Miss Lonelyhearts (30)
  • Camus, The Stranger (31)
  • Conrad, Heart of Darkness (45)
  • Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground (54)
  • O’Connor, Wise Blood, (58)
  • Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (59)
  • Vonnegut,  Slaughterhouse Five (60)


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Evening Street Press,  415 Lagunitas Ave, #306, Oakland, CA 94610
Both personal check or money order are acceptable.