Evening Street Press strives to publish words with positive impact

Evening Street Review NUMBER 34, Summer 2022

Issue: Number 34, Summer 2022


EDITORIAL COMMENT Occasional Notes: Jacqueline Jules, RBG’S Lace Collar   10

Cover photos by Edward Lee

Associate Editors: Donna Spector, Kailen Nourse-Driscoll, Patti Sullivan, Anthony Mohr, L.D. Zane, Stacia Levy, Jeffrey Davis, Clela Reed, Matthew Mendoza, Matthew Spireng, Ace Boggess, Kristin Laurel, Jan Bowman, Aaron Fischer

Contributors: 232


Thomas Elson   Montage of Memories   11

Kate LaDew   Glissando   20

Stephen J Kudless   A Woman with Brown Hair   30

Charles Rammelkamp   Almost as Intimate as Kissing   37

Richard Compean   On the Beach   42

R Craig Sautter   North of Nowhere   46

Tina Egnoski   Hemingway Feeds the Dolphins   55

Tim Fitts   Flies      61

W Royce Adams   Blue Pool   65

Cy Hill   Winnowing at the Water Hole   86

Edward Belfar   Elopement   90

Graham C Goff   The Red Mercury   103

Janet Amalia Weinberg   Something Stinks   107

Lee Grossman   Waiting for Whatsisname   118

Jonathan B Ferrini   The Picnic Basket   125

M A Phillips   The Woman’s Lot   137

Rod Martinez   Daddy’s Girl   145

Bruce Overby   Fruit Stands   154

Chris Viner   Stalker   167

Trish Annese   Aunt Cicely…Who Knits   182

Don Stoll   Quarantine   192

Eric Sommer   Lift Tickets, Please   203

Jim Beane   A Price for Pickles   206


Miriam Edelson   How the Maple Leafs and Donald Trump Changed My Life   14

Anthony J Mohr    On Valley Vista   53

Julie Garrison   Aging in Place   80

Matthew Feeney   The Second Coming (Out)   114

Daphne Vlachojannis    A Congo Story Part 2    214

Galina Chernaya   The Court of the People Part 3   222


Rosemarie Moore Morell     The Passing of Archbishop Tutu   Dedication

Holly Day   Motes of Sparkling Glass   12

      Knee-High in the Weed   12

Tim Coe   Coca Cola bubbly light   13

James Fowler   Anxiety Nation   17

Rachel Squires Bloom   Do unto Others   18

         Freddie   19

Ann Silverthorn   In the Planetarium   29

DS Maolalai   The Snowflakes   29

Vincent J Tomeo    Charging a Cellphone   33

      Perception   34

Vincent Vecchio     (insert name here)   34

Martin Willitts Jr   Left Behind    36

Craig Cotter   Ayaz Marhoni & Mahmoud Asgari   39

Donna Pucciani   Squirrel Without a Tail   40

John Grey   October on Broad Street   41

J Tarwood   A Teacher from the Mainland   45

Frank H Coons   What I Know of the Paranormal   46

Will Hemmer   Night Flight   51

Sam Ambler   Cephas, the Rock   52

      They went up to Heaven in a Cloud   53

Edward Lee    This House We Build   54

Aymon E Langlois   Ode to a Bookshelf   55

Justine McCabe   Ode to Insomnia   58

Susanne von Rennenkampff   Close of Day, Harvest   59

         Relief   59

Rod Farmer   Tadpoles   63

Paula Yup   Soren the Seven-year-old   64

At the Airport   64

R G Ziemer   I Heard They Were Closing St. Casimir’s   77

Ivana Mestrovic   The Fur Coat   79

      Skye   80

Brian Rihlmann   Nothing You Can Do   82

Cecil Morris   In Dadland   83

      Our Daughter in Her Fog    84

      Our Daughter Returns from Death   85

      The Things You Left for Us   85

Dianne Silvestri   It Was a School Day   88

Sara Quayle   Surrender   89

Deborah H Doolittle    Advice from a Tyrannosaurus Rex   100

Lowell Jaeger   Survivor   101

      Note to an Earlier Self   102

Judith R Robinson   Prompts to Self   104

Aaron Fischer   On His Deafness   105

      Thank You for Your Service    106

      Found: 15 Wallets from the 1940s   107

      Having opened the door of the front cover,   inside back cover

Marc Kaminsky   Handfast   111

Yvette A Schnoeker-Shorb   The State of My Town   113

Jeanine Stevens   Sanctuary   117

J Eliza Wall    Unit      117

Shirley Hilton   Risk      122

      Hunger   123

Gwenn A Nusbaum      Coloring Suburbia, 1967   124

Michael Estabrook   The Big Bang   125

Paul Hostovsky   Laughing in the Face of Fear   132

      To the People Who Don’t Write Back    133

      Luckier    134

      Chamber Pot   135

      A Spiritual Experience   136

      PT   137

Paul Rabinowitz   Citrus Honey Cake   143

Zack Rogow   “We might have met when we were seventeen…”   144

Roger Singer   Gravediggers   151

      Rent Lost or Whiskey Full   152

Lesley L Lambright    During the Pandemic   152

Saramanda Swigart   Sestina: A Woman’s Work   165

Margaret H Wagner   Flow   166

         He Wore Spurs   167

Meghan Adler   Teachable Moment   176

Bruce L Bennett   Prison and TV    178

Paul Watsky   Not Mother’s Cup o’ Tea   180

Red Hawk   What Was Left   188

      The Difference Between a Wolf and a Dog   189

Ruby Hawkins   We Are Survivors   190

      The Smooth Brown Path   191

      Demons   192

Linda Hughes   The Shape of My Skin   200

Carmine Lombardo      Soliloquy of a Low Thief   201

Alan Marshall Clark   Waiting for the Gas Man   205

Jennifer Campbell   About the Two Felled Adirondack Chairs Frozen on the Patio   206

Stephanie Kaplan Cohen    Generosity   212

Ken Autrey   Wooden Buddha   213

Elizabeth Weir   Emigrating from England   220

Lew Forester    Life Bird   221

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