Evening Street Press strives to publish words with positive impact
Matthew Mendoza

Prizewinner of "Helen Kay Chapbook Poetry Prize" in 2024

Matthew Mendoza: DIY Prison Project

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DIY Prison Project is Mathew Mendoza’s first book of poems. His poems and stories have appeared in Atlanta Review, Big Muddy, Comstock Review, Apalachee Review, Muse, Tacenda Literary Review, and Evening Street Review.
Matthew was a finalist for The Insider Prize and has won prizes from PEN America.
His plays have been performed at festivals in NYC and Lexington, KY. You can listen to the podcasts at Open-Door Playhouse.
Matthew’s play “What’s Prison Like?” was a Webby Award Honoree in the Crime and Justice category. and even though he finished 4th in the voting (out of 5) he is proud to be one of the first inmates ever nominated for a Webby award.
Recently, PEN America interviewed Matthew as part of their PEN Ten interview series. https://pen.org/?s=matthew+mendoza

DIY Prison Project Cover by Patti Sullivan
DIY Prison Project

DIY Prison Project by Matthew Mendoza

Cover: Patti Sullivan

The title of this chapbook inspired the DIY Prison Project for which Matthew was the first editor.


“Old Man Inked in Stone” was in Pinyon (Spring 2020)

“DIY Prison Project” and “Somehow the Glimmer of the Moon” were in Muse (Spring 2019).

“Meena” won Honorable Mention from the PEN America Prison Writers Contest and appeared on the website https://pen.org/ as “MEENA IN CAPTIVITY.” It originally  appeared in PEN America’s Breathe into the Ground: 2020 Prison Writing Awards Anthology.

Matthew Mendoza poem: “Short Path to Ecstasy” #20, 131 

Matthew Mendoza fiction: “The H in Happiness” #27, 130

Matthew Mendoza poetry “I am Five” #39 255

Read DIY Prison Project on Google Books DIY Prison Project available on KindleRead on Scribd   or read below

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